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Greatest Love I've Found.

Writer: LGLG

1 John 4:17-19 MSG

“God is love. When we take up permanent residence in a life of love, we live in God and God lives in us. This way, love has the run of the house, becomes at home and mature in us, so that we’re free of worry on Judgment Day—our standing in the world is identical with Christ’s. There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling, a fearful life—fear of death, fear of judgment—is one not yet fully formed in love. We, though, are going to love—love and be loved. First we were loved, now we love. He loved us first.”

John is sharing the most beautiful truth here—God’s love has the power to transform us! It’s not just about being loved; it’s about being so deeply embraced by His love that we begin to look more like Jesus every day. The more we experience His love, the more we are shaped into His image, becoming whole in Him. That beautiful word “complete” means we are spiritually whole, no longer broken or incomplete. God’s love perfects us, heals us, and makes us the person we were always meant to be!

When we understand how much God loves us, we can stand with confidence in His presence. We don’t need to fear His judgment, because His love has made us whole. No shame. No guilt. No rejection. Just the beautiful reality that we are His beloved children, safe and secure in His arms. And in that place, we can face Him boldly, knowing that we are fully loved.

Here’s the incredible part—love and fear cannot exist in the same space. Fear—whether it’s the fear of judgment, death, or failure—comes from a place of not fully grasping how deep God’s love really is. When we truly understand how much He loves us, there is no room left for fear. Fear is gone because love fills the space, and that love empowers us. It doesn’t shrink us; it frees us! A life rooted in His love is filled with courage and freedom, because we know we are safe and secure in Him.

When we live in fear—fear of judgment, fear of not measuring up—it often means we haven’t fully realized the beauty of God’s perfect love for us. We might think we have to earn His love, or that we’ll fall short of His standards. But, the truth is, His perfect love already has us covered! We don’t have to strive to make ourselves right because He’s already made us perfect in His eyes through Jesus. That’s the freedom we find when we embrace His love: we are secure, no matter what.

And then, the most beautiful thing happens—love becomes a circle. We love because He first loved us. His love fills us so deeply that it overflows to everyone around us. It’s not just a feeling; it’s a response. When we recognize how much He loves us, our hearts can’t help but pour that love out onto others. And here’s the beautiful part: it’s not even our love—it’s His love, flowing through us, making us more loving, more generous, more kind. God’s love is the source, and it’s the source of everything good in our lives.

This passage is such a powerful reminder that God’s perfect love casts out fear. We don’t have to be afraid of anything, because His love makes us whole. We can stand confidently in His presence, knowing we are safe, secure, and deeply loved. When we live from that place of security, fear and judgment lose their grip on us. Instead, we are free to love others as He loves us. It’s a love that never ends, never fails, and never lets us go. And in that love, we are made complete, just as He designed us to be.

Jesus should be First Love.

I really believe that Jesus should be the absolute center of our lives—He’s the one who deserves the first place in our hearts above everything else. There’s something so beautiful about having a deep, personal relationship with Him, where He’s not just a part of our lives, but the very foundation of everything we do. He is our “first love,” that all-consuming, unshakeable passion that goes beyond anything else we could ever hold on to. It’s so important to return to that heart of worship and intimacy with Him, to reignite that awe and love we first felt when we encountered Him—because it’s not just about that one moment of salvation. It’s about choosing Him over and over again, every single day. We need to keep our hearts centered on His love, letting it transform us from the inside out.

To truly keep Jesus as our first love, we have to prioritize Him—like, really choose to keep Him at the top of our list, even with all the distractions and busyness that life throws at us. It’s like a first love relationship, right? Where the affection, attention, and devotion are constant, no matter what’s going on around us. It’s about remembering that Jesus is not just some afterthought or box we check, but the very heartbeat of our lives. If we keep our eyes on Him and let that love flow through us, everything else falls into place in such a beautiful, life-changing way. It’s all about choosing Him again and again, and letting His love fill our hearts to the brim.

Come back to First Love…

Jesus should not only be the starting point of our faith but also the foundation on which everything else is built. Jesus being our first love is about more than an initial salvation experience—it’s about continuing to prioritize Him and keep Him central every day. It’s about making Jesus our priority, our deepest affection, and the reason for everything we do.

When we first encounter Jesus, we experience a deep, pure love that transforms us. I encourage you today to return to the simplicity and intimacy that you felt when you first gave your hearts to Christ. It’s crucial not to let the distractions of life or the weight of spiritual duties replace that deep love and awe we once had. Jesus, as our first love, requires continual devotion and intimacy. I pray we can all rekindle that fire in our hearts, which is not based on emotions but on a real, ongoing relationship with Jesus.

First love for Jesus is not just a fleeting feeling but an all-consuming passion that touches every part of our lives. It’s a love that goes beyond an emotional experience or a set of religious practices. When Jesus is truly our first love, nothing else compares. Our hearts are devoted to Him, and everything in life is seen through the lens of that relationship. It’s about being enthralled with Jesus, allowing His love to shape our identity, and being empowered by His presence.

When we keep Jesus as our first love, it transforms us and empowers us to live differently. Our identity, decisions, and actions flow out of that foundational love. He often highlights how when our relationship with Jesus is the most important thing in our lives, it impacts everything—our relationships, our work, and even how we see ourselves. This overflow of love becomes the basis for how we engage with others, share the gospel, and live out our faith.

Revival doesn’t come from just programs or strategies—it comes from a church and individuals who are in love with Jesus. The deep love of Christ is the fuel for revival, and as we return to that love, revival will naturally follow. This isn’t just about an emotional experience but about a genuine, unshakeable love that motivates everything we do.

I encourage us to constantly check our hearts and ask ourselves if Jesus is truly the most important thing in our lives. First love isn’t a one-time event, but an ongoing choice—a daily commitment to let Jesus be the center of everything we are. As we keep our hearts focused on Him and remain in His presence, He transforms us and empowers us to love and serve others out of the overflow of His love for us. I want to reimagine 1 Corinthians 13 and read it with Jesus and read it that He is First Love... "If I speak in the language of passion,

but have not first love,

I am like a clanging bell, empty and hollow.

If I have the fire of a thousand dreams,

and can understand all the mysteries of the world,

but have not first love,

I am nothing.

If I give all I have to chase the stars,

but have not first love,

I gain nothing.

First love is patient, it is kind.

It does not rush, but savors each moment.

It does not envy, but celebrates.

It does not boast, but whispers softly.

First love is not proud.

It does not dishonor others,

but lifts them up, gently.

It is not self-seeking,

but seeks the joy of another.

It is not easily angered,

but understands, forgives, and stays.

It keeps no record of wrongs,

but lets the past melt away like the morning sun.

First love does not delight in the fall of hearts,

but rejoices in the rise of hope.

It always protects, always trusts,

always hopes, always perseveres.

First love never fails.

But where there are dreams, they will fade.

Where there are moments, they will pass.

Where there is time, it will end.

But love—first love—

will never fade.

And now these three remain:

Faith, hope, and first love.

But the greatest of these is love." Amen amen amen!!! <3 Lord, burn Your Word into the depths of our hearts as we love You as First Love!



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